
tin alloy

Unlike others, Kopo’s core idea of design isn't about blindly following the mainstream but to honestly transfer idea to product.   However, in such a competitive market, questioning how to win the heart of consumers over big brand product gives us a good impression of the plight of designers.

Kopo's background includes advertising, design and craft making. He spent years experimenting with his own methods which have resulted in a unique collection of work filled with character. He sees himself as a designer rather than a craftsman.

In 1998 Kopo opened his first retail shop in central Taipei. He paid attention to customers ideas and needs and used these discoveries to customise crafts and accessories.  This ability to proficiently  transfer ideas and concepts to actual product is a skill Kopo confidently possesses.

Kopo’s retail shop has had great commercial success with his craft and accessories being worn by celebrities and featured in magazine such as “Man’s uno”, “Vouge Japan “ ,  “ Taipei walk” and etc. Kopo has also been commissioned to design a series of  Terracotta Warriors which have toured Taipei,  as well as some merchandises for a British museum.


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